Photosynthesis Club 

Every Monday afternoon 1pm-2pm. 

As Albertans we live on a more northern latitude which can be a big contributor to low vitamin D in people, especially during the long winters, which lead to muscle and bone fatigue, low moods and increased seasonal depression. The goal for photosynthesis club is to bring more awareness to supporting vitamin D rich activities and all around supporting each other to take care of oneself. We will hold the club at least once a week, before it gets chilly, we will spend an hour in the afternoon outside in the sunshine with a picnic of vitamin D rich snacks like cheeses, cereals, Avocado etc. And during the snowy months we would purchase a couple happy lights and do some light therapy and snacks. The meetings can be just for people to come hang out, listen to music, do art or homework, and take a moment to be conscience of our health and enjoy the sun/light therapy. 

If you are low in vitamin D or just need to photosynthesize, come and join us! 


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