Seeking Volunteer Support from Alberta University of the Arts Students' Association for CIBC Run for the Cure

Closing Date of Opportunity: September 27, 2023

Name or Organization: Canadian Cancer Society

Contact Email:


Post Content: The CIBC Run for the Cure, a vibrant event dedicated to raising awareness and funds for breast cancer research, is fast approaching. As an organization that values community engagement and empowerment, we believe that the passionate and energetic students of the Alberta University of the Arts Students' Association could be valuable partners in this endeavour.

We are seeking assistance in recruiting volunteers for the event, which is scheduled to take place on Sunday, October 1, 2023, at Southcentre Mall in Calgary, AB. Volunteers play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth execution of the event.

We appreciate your consideration and hope to discuss this opportunity further. If you have any questions or require additional information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you for your time and potential involvement. We look forward to the possibility of working together to create a successful CIBC Run for the Cure event.


Emerging Art Writers Program 5


Job Opportunity: Media Design, Corporate Finance